/ 14 August 2024

Not just any old mush


Boiling, mashing, blending – preparing your own baby/toddler food is time consuming, but new research warns we need to be careful before grabbing an on-the-go option from the supermarket. None of the 300+ products tested met the World Health Organisation’s standards – with over 75% failing the overall nutritional requirements. A “staggering number of unregulated claims” also misleads parents into thinking the “sugar-loaded products are healthy”, which researchers say “should serve as an alarm bell for policymakers in Australia.” They’ve also warned that relying on convenience foods for 6-36 month-olds can set kids up for obesity in later life, as manufacturers often sneak in sugar through fruit pastes while claiming ‘no added sugar’ on the pack. The findings come as the federal government is currently seeking public consultation on the issue to improve regulations in future.

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