News Club / 19 August 2024
Newsmakers: What Aussies really want with’s Kerri Elstub…
Kerri Elstub is one of those people who you immediately want to go and have a glass of wine with. She’s relatable, energetic, positive and she’s also perhaps one of the most influential newsmakers in the country. Why? Well she oversees the websites,, and to name a few.
That means she leads a team that produces news that millions of Australians read and watch every day.
A bit more about Kerri – she was previously a producer on A Current Affair and the Today Show – big national news programmes where you have to be really connected to everyday Australia. She explains in our conversation how those jobs taught her a lot about what Australia care’s about.
She talks to this point and more in our conversation, including the reason why she has appeared on the Royals Instagram account.
She also articulates her big concerns about the future of the industry she has worked in since starting as an intern at 2UE back in 1991.
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