/ 23 May 2024

23 May 2024

8.30am (AEST) – Australian Olympic Committee CEO Matt Carroll to launch Olympics and Paralympics Live – Sydney

9.00am (AEST) – Directions hearing in the case of Erin Patterson, accused of serving a fatal mushroom lunch – Supreme Court, Melbourne 

12.30pm (AEST) – Lieutenant General Stephen D Sklenka is addressing the National Press Club on forging a relationship together in the Indo-Pacific

2.15pm (AEST) – Conciliation between Bruce Lerhmann and his former landlord, Lady Gaenor Meakes, who is suing him over the apartment he was staying in, paid for by Channel 7 – Sydney 

ABS Data Release – Labour Force Detailed, April

Bake your colleagues a cake for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, raising funds for cancer 

Vesak Day (Buddha Day) – the day of the full moon

World Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Day 

World Turtle Day 

International Day to End Obstetric Fistula 

Anniversary of:

US Founding Father Benjamin Franklin announcing his invention of bifocals (1785)

Mao Zedong starting the Great Leap Forward movement in China (1958)

the Good Friday Agreement being accepted in a referendum in Northern Ireland (1998)

Indian PM Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) winning re-election in a landslide (2019)

Netflix announcing password sharing restrictions to restrict account sharing beyond the household (2023)

Ex footy player and Richmond’s 3-times AFL premiership winning coach Daniel Hardwick announcing his retirement from coaching (2023)

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