Squiz Today / 17 October 2017

Squiz Today – Tuesday, 17 October


“Something like a cheeseburger is something you could have eaten in the Neolithic. You’ve got beef, you’ve got cheese, you’ve got bread.”

Well, it certainly has that over the Paleo diet. British forager Joe O’Leary is helping people get back to their roots. And nettles and acorns. The only historically-based diet we would be interested in is from 1100s Italy when pasta first appeared…


The Cabinet of the Turnbull Government met last night to agree its energy policy before taking it to a partyroom meeting today to get feedback from its backbenchers. The key issues before them were how to make our supply of electricity affordable and reliable while meeting our carbon reduction commitments. It follows years of policy uncertainty, months of deliberations following a report by the Chief Scientist Alan Finkel and hours since the latest report showing average power bills have increased by more than 40% in the last decade.

The key points reported this morning are:

• The government is likely to walk away from a Clean Energy Target and reckon the plan will bring prices down by about $100 a year.

• It will introduce a ‘national energy guarantee’ to ensure retailers commit to buying a set amount of dispatchable power to bring certainty and much-needed investment in the sector.

• Australia will still meet its commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 28% in 2030 in part because the guarantee will mandate that some of that supply will have to be generated by renewable sources.

• But because the cost of producing renewable energy has come down, green power generation subsidies will be slashed.

• Oh, and PM Malcolm Turnbull’s former chief-of-staff Drew Clarke will be appointed to chair the market operator board.

Thems the whispers, watch this space.

All eyes will be on that meeting this morning. What happens is the PM Malcolm Turnbull, and Minister Josh Frydenberg will get up and explain it all. And then every Tom, Dick and Tony will have the chance to ask a question or make a comment, Q&A style. But all going well, and given the level of detail that’s in the media already, an announcement will be made today. So until the next electrifying instalment of Power Plays, take care and turn the lights out before you leave.



Yay, it's tax time! Said nobody ever... So to help we've put together a quick guide to some tax deductions you might be eligible for. And with Christmas coming up, more money in your pocket to save, spend or pay your mortgage has to be a good thing.

Click here to get the drill on eight tax deductions you may be able to claim.


Speaking of Tonys - former PM Tony Abbott’s comments yesterday raised some eyebrows. "When you are an ex the only way you can come back is if you're drafted, and I think that is a pretty rare and unusual business in politics… and that is almost impossible to imagine,” he said. The remark came about because of Malcolm Turnbull's 21st consecutive Newspoll loss to Labor. And not a poll goes by without someone reminding Turnbull that one of the reasons he moved on Abbott’s position in the top job was his 30 consecutive bad Newspolls. Tick tock... But Abbott’s advice is sound – whether it be in relationships, sporting teams, jobs or whatever, these are surely words to live by.

Hasn't ABC TV's Four Corners last night stirred 'em up! Reports of Hillary Clinton’s comments that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was working with Russia spread far and wide before her interview with crack interviewer Sarah Ferguson even went to air. Clinton believes WikiLeaks’ released more than 2,000 hacked emails from the personal account of her presidential campaign chair John Podesta to take the focus off Donald Trump’s infamous 2005 audio recording where he talks about assaulting women. All yesterday, Assange was berserk on the tweets. And unfortunately, he appears to be participating in the increased character trial…

HURRICANE OPHELIA UPDATE – Ireland has been battered, and three people have died. Winds of more than 170km/hr were recorded in the south and more than 350,000 homes are without electricity. Ophelia is now moving on to Scotland.

KIRKUK CLASHES - It’s an oil-rich and disputed area that’s been under Kurdish control. Reports say Iraq has sent forces there and although its media says some territory has been taken back without fighting, Kurdish authorities say shots have been fired. A good backgrounder is here.

BLOW TO ISLAMIC STATE IN THE PHILIPPINES - The Philippines government says its fight against Islamic State forces on the island of Mindanao could be over soon after leaders Isnilon Hapilon and Omarkhayam Maute were confirmed dead.

Unfortunately, there was no happy ending to this story. Police last night confirmed that the remains found at Anglesea, Victoria are those of 43yo Elisa Curry. She was reported missing more than two weeks ago. Her husband and three kids had been to the AFL grand final and had expected to meet her at their holiday home at Airleys Inlet, but she wasn't there when they arrived. Police said they aren't treating her death as suspicious.

In fact, their rate of skin cancer is 60% higher than the rest of the population. A report released yesterday shows 7% of Queenslanders had a skin cancer removed between 20011 and 2014, and men over 55yo are those most likely to be affected by skin cancer. But we're all at risk - just another reason to slip slop slap.

She’s doneskis. Channel Nine and the now former Today host Lisa Wilkinson last night confirmed she would leave the breakfast TV show, effective immediately. Apparently co-host Karl Stefanovic earns $2 million each year while Wilkinson was paid $1.1 million. And in new contract negotiations, Nine reportedly offered Wilkinson $1.8 million, but it wasn't enough to keep her there. (Nine says the gap is explained by Stefanovic’s other work commitments with 60 Minutes and shows like This Time Next Year.) So she’s off to join Network Ten’s The Project and will host their new show, Sunday Project. We can’t imagine why she’d want to swap a 3am start for more regular hours…


ABS Data Release - Sales of New Motor Vehicles, September

Winner of the Man Booker Prize announced

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

And while we have you... here are a few words on our foray into advertising. 

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