/ 24 May 2024

Macron’s flying visit

Image source: Getty
Image source: Getty

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced he’ll delay controversial voting reforms in New Caledonia to allow time for more talks with local pro-independence groups. In a brief visit to the French territory, Macron said he wanted to restore “peace, calm [and] security” after riots in the past week have left 6 people dead and hundreds injured. To recap, civil unrest broke out over a plan to give voting rights to European residents on the Pacific Island territory – where the Indigenous Kanak people have long sought independence. After talks yesterday, Macron said there was “no common vision” on the island’s future and more time was needed to discuss the reforms – but local pro-independence leaders want them scrapped. Meanwhile, our Foreign Minister Penny Wong says the government is working to get about 200 stranded Aussies on evacuation flights today.

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