/ 04 February 2022

Xi and Putin to meet

Image source: Getty
Image source: Getty

The tensions over Ukraine continue to escalate (and a refresher on why this is a thing is here)… Yesterday, the US said it is sending 2,000 US troops to Poland and Germany, and 1,000 troops already in Germany will head to Romania. You can imagine how thrilled Russia is about that… Overnight, Moscow said it’s a “destructive” step that heightens tensions and makes a diplomatic solution hard work. For Russia’s part, it’s ​​sent 30,000 troops to Belarus this week (which shares a border with northern Ukraine and eastern Russia) – it’s the biggest deployment to the country since the end of the Cold War. That adds to the 100,000-plus troops on the Russian-Ukraine border. With all of that going on, Russia has an increasingly vocal supporter – China. Foreign affairs experts say its statements supporting Moscow’s actions this week is another example of how China “regularly amplifies Kremlin talking points”. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping – and many of the world’s ‘strongmen’ leaders – will snuggle up tonight in Beijing for the Olympic Games opening ceremony.

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