/ 03 November 2023

Beijing buddies

Image source: AAP
Image source: AAP

He’s barely had time to do a load of washing since his US trip – but PM Anthony Albanese is off again tomorrow on a 4-day visit to China. It’s the first trip there by an Aussie leader since 2016 – so it’s a big deal… While a few sticky issues have been smoothed over in recent weeks – there’s still a lot of angst, and Albanese’s said he’ll be raising everything from China’s trade restrictions and its aggression over the South China Sea to human rights issues. Albanese says he wants a relationship of “no surprises” with China, and Beijing is expected to push for support for its bid to join a key regional trade bloc known by its light ‘n breezy acronym CPTPP. The PM’s key meetings will be in Beijing with President Xi Jinping. He’ll also travel to Shanghai for the International Import Expo.

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