/ 25 August 2021

A bad season for maggies

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2021 has turned out to be, let’s say, less than optimal… So it should come as no surprise that magpie attacks could increase this year, experts say. That’s because many Aussies are wearing face masks outdoors, and that’s confusing for our feathered frenemies. During spring’s breeding season, the territorial birds recognise facial features and generally stop swooping those who regularly enter its space. But in COVID times, maggies can’t tell who’s who. “I can’t tell who is the nasty one, so I had better belt everyone,” ​​Griffith University magpie expert Darryl Jones said of the bird brain mindset. So what can you do to avoid an attack? Check MagpieAlert for where they are. But if you do come across an angry one, walk quickly, preferably in a group, and protect your head and eyes.

Image source: Unsplash

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