/ 24 May 2024

A long road to recovery


Three Aussies are among 20 people still in intensive care at Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital in Bangkok following Tuesday’s deadly incident on a Singapore Airlines flight. There were 229 people on flight SQ321 from London to Singapore when it hit severe turbulence and dropped sharply – flinging passengers to the roof and causing gashes, concussions and head/spinal injuries. Up to 70 passengers and crew members were injured, with many of them admitted to Bangkok hospitals for treatment. We don’t know much about the Australian victims yet – and that might be because some Thai hospital staff are stopping them from speaking to the media. This happened to Adelaide man Keith Davis, who was wheeled away by staff when telling the ABC he’s yet to hear from Singapore Airlines about a medical flight home for him and his wife, who’s still in intensive care. Other passengers have described what happened as “all hell broke loose”, and reports say the wife of 73yo Geoff Kitchen – who died from a suspected heart attack – has now been told of his death.

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