/ 15 September 2022

Hold me closer, tiny human

Image source: Unsplash
Image source: Unsplash

You can usually spot a new parent by the dark circles under their eyes from yet another sleepless night with a crying child, but help is here with researchers claiming they have found the best way of soothing an unsettled baby. After filming 21 mothers trying various methods with their crying children and analysing baby heart rate monitors, researchers said one strategy fared better than the others. They recommend picking up the bub, walking around the room while holding them for 5 minutes without stopping, and then sitting down and holding them for another 5-8 minutes before setting them down to sleep again. The findings build on previous research about ‘altricial’ mammals (aka those helpless at birth) that found young animals become more docile when carried by their mothers in what’s called the ‘transport response’. If you’re in the zone, good luck with that…

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