/ 08 June 2023

Close encounters of the shark kind, two rubber ducks are better than one, and a divisive double-decker plane seat…


Cue the Jaws music… A new study in California has used drones to track shark movements, and it’s found juvenile sharks swimming close to unsuspecting humans in the water on nearly all of the days surveyed over 2 years. There were no unfortunate encounters recorded, but still…

The only thing better than one 18m rubber duck is 2 – or at least, that’s what Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman thinks. After taking a solo oversized bath toy on a bit of a world tour (including Sydney) 10 years ago, the new ‘Double Ducks’ installation will float near Hong Kong for 2 weeks this month. 

A new version of the ‘chaise lounge’ double-decker airplane seat design is back at the Aircraft Interiors Expo in Germany, with its designer calling it the future of flying in economy. There’s a photo here, but let’s just say we have questions about how flatulence issues are mitigated.

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