/ 31 October 2022

That’s a lot of flapping…

Tell-tale Godwit or Snipe from Birds of America (1827) by John James Audubon, etched by William Home Lizars. Original from University of Pittsburg. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
Tell-tale Godwit or Snipe from Birds of America (1827) by John James Audubon, etched by William Home Lizars. Original from University of Pittsburg. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

We paddle pretty hard here at The Squiz. Each week is a 6-day sprint of early mornings and late stops as we decode the news and work out how to grow. So our hats are well and truly tipped to juvenile bar-tailed godwit #234684 for its record-breaking stint of 11 days and 1 hour flying non-stop from Alaska, arriving in northeast Tassie last week. Even we get to sleep overnight and take Saturdays off… Covering 13,560km as tracked with a GPS chip powered by a tiny solar panel and attached with a harness, the 5-month-old bird smashed the previous non-stop record set by an adult bar-tailed godwit last year. But it could have been a bit of an accident – the Tassie tourist likely made a navigational error requiring a sharp right-hand turn to land. The birds fatten up to about 500g before their epic flight and burn half their body weight during the journey. That seems like a lot of effort to shed 250g… 

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