Squiz Quiz – 9 September 2022

1. PM Anthony Albanese confirmed the federal government’s cut to fuel excise will end this month - how much does the reduction amount to?

Correct! Wrong!

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says the decision will boost the budget’s bottom line.

2. The Reserve Bank hiked interest rates by 0.5% this week, taking the official cash rate to 2.35%. How many months in a row have rates now been increased?

Correct! Wrong!

Economists are among those calling on the Reserve Bank to back off a bit…

3. The UK’s new PM, Liz Truss, is a big fan of which of her predecessors?

Correct! Wrong!

She was sworn in this week after beating former Chancellor Rishi Sunak and late challenger Larry the #10 Downing Street cat…

4. Which South American country voted down a progressive new constitution in a referendum this week?

Correct! Wrong!

President Gabriel Boric said he accepted the results with “humility” and pledged to have another go.

5. Which country topped the United Nations' latest Human Development Index, which measures life expectancy, education and economic prosperity?

Correct! Wrong!

There were setbacks in most of the 191 countries included in the index for the first time in its 32-year history.

6. What’s the term for the compulsive urge to keep searching the web for bad news, which one study says can lead to poor mental/physical health outcomes?

Correct! Wrong!

The phenomenon is, ahem, exactly what makes The Squiz so great…

7. Which longstanding Aussie TV host announced they were stepping down this week?

Correct! Wrong!

“I’m not too old, I’m just a bit tired,” she said. Hear, hear…

8. Upcoming film ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ has been facing a few scandals... Which actor was set to play the lead role before he was replaced by pop star Harry Styles?

Correct! Wrong!

The saga has set social media alight with endless theories and memes…

9. A controversial filter was taken down by messaging app Snapchat this week after it was met with outrage. What did it apply to users’ faces/heads?

Correct! Wrong!

Called Tā moko, the markings are only intended for Māori people and are unique to their ancestry.

10. What's reality star/businesswoman Kim Kardashian's latest career pivot?

Correct! Wrong!

Kardashian already has a lot on her plate, including managing a recent eyebrow bleaching event…

Squiz Quiz - 9 September 2022

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