/ 05 March 2024

A new search for answers

MH370 map

As families of those lost on Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 gather in Kuala Lumpur to commemorate 10 years since the aircraft went missing, Malaysia’s government looks set to resume the hunt, saying they’re “committed to justice and the search must go on”. The flight from KL to Beijing vanished from the air traffic radar on 8 March 2014 with 227 passengers (including 7 Aussies/residents) and 12 crew onboard. Despite the world’s largest-ever search for the aircraft, it has never been found… Oz and Malaysia co-funded the $180 million underwater investigation that ended in January 2017 following our nearly 3-year search scouring 120,000km2 in the southern Indian Ocean. Now, US company Ocean Infinity has submitted a proposal for a 15,000km2 search on a “no-find, no-fee” basis after a 2018 attempt failed. The families of those onboard say answers are needed.

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