/ 30 March 2023

Migrants killed in detention centre fire

Image source: Getty
Image source: Getty

In one of Mexico’s deadliest migrant tragedies in years, at least 38 Central and South Americans have died and 29 more have been injured in a fire at a detention centre in the border city of Ciudad Juarez. Mexican authorities believe the blaze broke out during a protest against deportations, with video footage appearing to show detainees locked in the facility as the fire burned. Many of the victims were among an influx of migrants attempting to cross the border into the US in recent weeks with the pandemic-era Title 42 policy – which allows US border officials to deny entry to migrants trying to cross the border on public health grounds – set to expire in May. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for a “thorough investigation”, and America’s Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar said the tragedy was “a reminder to the governments of the region of the importance of fixing a broken migration system”.

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