/ 27 May 2024

Mixed messages in Gaza

TOPSHOT - Rockets are fired from Gaza City, controlled by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, towards Israel on May 10, 2021. (Photo by MAHMUD HAMS / AFP) (Photo by MAHMUD HAMS/AFP via Getty Images)
Image source: Getty

There are conflicting reports about renewed Gaza ceasefire talks, as both Israel and Hamas continue to attack each other despite the United Nation’s top court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordering a halt to the hostilities on Friday. The ICJ called the humanitarian situation in Gaza “disastrous” and ordered Israel not to carry out military operations that could “cause the destruction of the Palestinian civilian population”. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) say it’s carrying out “operational activity in specific areas of Rafah”, targeting Hamas fighters and destroying tunnels. Hamas claims to have captured a number of Israeli troops, and reports overnight say the militant group launched at least 8 rockets towards Israel’s capital Tel Aviv, but no casualties have yet been reported.

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