/ 23 May 2024

Crackdown on cowboy compounds


It’s going to be even tougher for some people to get their hands on weight loss drugs after the Government announced it was going to stop pharmacies from making their own versions. With a big global shortage of Ozempic and other approved replicas, some compounding chemists – aka those that can make up a prescription from scratch – had been mixing the drug for about 20,000 Aussies using it for weight loss. But doctors have reported some nasty side effects (bleeding gums, vomiting, nerve damage) from the off-brand products, and Health Minister Mark Butler says the decision “will protect Australians from harm and save lives”. Patients prescribed the drugs for diabetes aren’t expected to be affected – they’ll still get priority for the authorised product. The ban will start on 1 October – giving patients time to consult their GP about alternatives.  

If you’re keen to know more about Ozempic, check out this episode of News Club.

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