Squiz Today / 24 March 2023

Squiz Today – Friday, 24 March

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Squiz Today Podcast

Getting another news week behind you. 

Today’s listen time: 9.30 minutes

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Squiz Sayings


Is how a Chilean football commentator with a huge set of lungs reacted to an epic goal being scored from 101m. It’s set to break the Guinness World Record for the longest range goal in history, but surely the commentator could break a record of his own…

Voicing a big question

In a crucial moment for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament process, PM Anthony Albanese has outlined the question that Aussies will be asked in this year’s referendum. After a snap Cabinet meeting to approve the wording yesterday, Albanese was emotional as he unveiled the words, saying the Voice proposal was a “modest request” to improve the lives of Indigenous Aussies.

The question: ‘A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?’

And the alteration: In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia:

  • There shall be a body to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice;
  • The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
  • The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.”

One of the big issues that keeps popping up is how broad the wording is, and yesterday Peter Dutton voiced the Coalition’s concerns. He says “if you’re putting forward a form of words which is open to a broad interpretation by the High Court, then the parliament can’t rectify that. That’s the issue here”. But working group member Professor Marcia Langton said after many royal commissions and inquiries into Indigenous disadvantage, the Voice is an opportunity “to draw a line in the sand and say this has to change.” As for the next steps: a joint parliamentary committee will consider the proposal, and then MPs and Senators get their say, which means the possibility of amendments. Albanese says he’s not for shifting, and what was outlined yesterday “is the government’s position.” Parliament will vote on the referendum legislation in June, which is slated to be held between October and December

AusPol Australian News

Squiz the Rest

Congress committee appearance sets the clock TikToking…

TikTok boss Shou Zi Chew is being put through the wringer by US lawmakers this morning over the platform’s future in the massive market. The Biden administration has floated the possibility that if the Chinese owners of TikTok don’t sell their stakes in the business, it could face a complete ban in the US. That’s because lawmakers are worried about the management of TikTok’s data – aka what it collects and does with it. Assurances have been given by Chew, but the committee isn’t happy about the Chinese government’s ability to access data, the company’s holding of personalised data, or that it advertises to kids as young as 13yo. One analyst said the odds of performing well before the committee were stacked against Chew, but his appearance has so far been a “disaster moment” that will “likely catalyse more calls by lawmakers and the White House to look to ban TikTok”.

Business & Finance World News

Tackling trans issues

Never far from the action, independent Senator Lidia Thorpe hit the deck as she was blocked by a police officer from crashing an anti-transgender rally outside Parliament House in Canberra. The demonstration was spearheaded by British activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull – she also headlined a massively problematic protest in Melbourne on the weekend. Federal Police say they will review their officers’ actions after footage of the incident was captured by media outlets. And just on trans issues… The World Athletics Council confirmed this morning that it will exclude athletes who have transitioned from male to female after puberty from female events at the elite level. President Seb Coe says there are no trans women competing at the top level right now. The body will also halve the maximum amount of plasma testosterone allowed. It’s the latest sport to tackle the issue after swimming’s FINA barred trans women from top-level comps last year. 

AusPol Australian News

It’s go time in NSW

That sound you can hear is election lovers rubbing their hands together with the stage almost set for tomorrow’s NSW election. Premier Dominic Perrottet and the Coalition are up against Chris Minns and Team Labor – but it’s tight, and the pundits say the numbers and big policy issues mean it’s hard to predict the outcome… We might not have a result tomorrow night if independent/minor party candidates win seats because that outcome would likely lead to negotiations on who will form the government. Despite being 18 months into the job, Perrottet is seeking a historic 4th term for the Liberals/Nationals. And keep this in mind: the Coalition’s 12 years in power is already the longest period of conservative government in the state since 1904. One more fun fact: Minns is on a teeny-tiny margin in his seat of Kogarah… He says it has been a good reminder of how hard the team has to campaign to win government. Catch you on the other side…

AusPol Australian News

UN warns of global water crisis

The world is facing a looming water shortage crisis that will worsen with climate change and population growth, a new United Nations report says. The UN World Water Development Report says at least 10% of the world’s population lives in areas that experience high or critical water stress, with 44% experiencing water scarcity over at least one month a year. By 2050, the number of city-dwellers facing water shortages is projected to nearly double from 2016 to 2.4 billion as extreme droughts become more frequent with climate change. Development and agriculture are also exacerbating existing shortages – the latter claims 70% of the world’s water supply – with pollution also affecting water quality. The report’s authors have called for establishing “strong international mechanisms” to improve water management and avoid conflicts between nations. The report was released as the UN holds its first major water summit since 1977, which is set to wrap up in New York today.

Environment & Science

Some like it smelly

You might remember Brissie’s infamous poo jogger from 2018 – actually, we don’t like to brag, but there have been several of them in Oz… Now the US is dealing with a public poo saga of its own, with the ‘Broadway Pooper’ reportedly targeting the legendary Shubert Theater. In an incident that made headlines this week, a #2 was unleashed during a performance of Some Like it Hot, with former First Lady/one-time presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea in attendance. An insider told Page Six that when the lights came on for intermission, “there were 2 human turds in the aisle just near the famous political duo”. Another source close to the show insisted it was a one-off, though another said the house manager told them it was the theatre’s 4th stinker this year. The Clintons stayed for the rest of the show – but then the political veterans are used to dealing with crappy situations…

Entertainment Quirky News

Friday Lites – Three things we like this week

The Outlaws has had good reviews, but we were still surprised by how much we’re enjoying it. Penned by Stephen Merchant, it’s got a great cast following the stories of a group of crims doing their community service and (mostly) trying to be good people. Watch it on Prime.

Posh English publication Tatler is a neverending source of wonderment, and this month’s refresh didn’t disappoint. Behold their 2023 Country House Awards and its peak into the rarified air of the homes of the uber posh. Our favourite category: best after-dinner games.

If you’ve been to the supermarket recently to pick up a few things and noticed your basket costs a fair whack more than it did this time last year, we hear you. This collection of good value recipes is one to have close to hand in this high inflation environment. And we’re starting with meatloaf.

Friday Lites

Squiz the Day

5.05pm (AEDT) – Women’s Rugby – Super W Season Opener – Waratahs v Force – Sydney

8.00pm (AEDT) – Men’s Soccer Friendlies – Australia v Ecuador – Sydney

World Tuberculosis Day

International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims

National Ride2School Day

The Melbourne Food and Wine Festival starts (until 2 April)

Adelaide Motorsport Festival begins (until 26 March) – Adelaide

Birthdays for Tommy Hilfiger (1951), Jim Parsons (1973), Darren Lockyer (1977), and Jessica Chastain (1977)

Anniversary of:
• Elvis Presley joining the army (1958)
• the death of former Governor-General Sir John Kerr (1991)
• Federal Parliament overturning the world’s first euthanasia law that was passed in the Northern Territory (1997)
• the Aussie cricket ball-tampering scandal in Cape Town (2018)
• the ‘March for Our Lives’ rallies held in Washington DC and around the world to protest gun violence (2018)

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