Squiz Today / 06 April 2023

Squiz Today – Thursday, 6 April

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Squiz Today Podcast

Hopping into the Easter long weekend. 

Today’s listen time: 9.40 minutes

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Squiz Sayings

“Her taking her foot out of the heel only for it to still be in the Barbie foot shape… THAT IS CINEMA.”

Tweeted former RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant Luxx Noir London after the new trailer for Greta Gerwig’s highly anticipated film dropped yesterday. Featuring a stacked cast, it’s already sparked a million plastic fantastic memes

Libs voice their referendum decision

The Liberal Party has rejected the proposal for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, and Coalition leader Peter Dutton says he will campaign for a ‘no’ vote in the upcoming referendum. Following a party meeting yesterday, Dutton called the proposal “the divisive Canberra Voice” and said “I don’t think this is in our country’s best interest.” Instead, the Liberals would support Indigenous recognition in the Constitution. And Dutton reiterated the party’s support for local and regional bodies that would be legislated for “so we can get practical outcomes for Indigenous people on the ground”. Despite the party line, backbenchers will be allowed a conscience vote (but the shadow cabinet will be bound by the decision to oppose the Voice), and they will support the referendum itself being held.

We won’t labour it, but the proposal Aussies will vote on later this year would see the Constitution amended to establish a permanent body of Indigenous Australians to give independent advice to the Federal Parliament and the Executive Government on matters affecting Indigenous peoples. Instigated by the Uluru Statement from the Heart in 2017, the proposal for the Voice got no traction with the Morrison Government. Fast forward to last year’s federal election, and Labor PM Anthony Albanese committed to it as a priority. Last year, the Nationals ruled out their support – party leader David Littleproud said his MPs in regional and remote communities have seen Indigenous policies fail too many times, and the Voice wouldn’t lead to “closing the gap”. And until yesterday, it was an open question about what the Libs would do.

Well, it’s certainly not the bipartisan exercise many had hoped for… The Liberal position also sets the Coalition against the majority of Australians, at least according to recent polling. Support for the Voice has hovered around the mid-to-high 50s (aka a bit more than half of those surveyed gave the proposal the thumbs up), but those numbers have been on a downward slide since last year. Yesterday, Yes Campaign Alliance boss Dean Parkin said ultimately it’s not about what the politicians think because “the referendum is a decision for the Australian people. Indigenous people have put their faith in the people of Australia because they will get it right.” Still, if historical trends are anything to go by, things have become significantly more difficult for ‘yes’ campaigners. Of 44 previous referendum questions, 8 were successful, and bipartisan support is ideal for success.

AusPol Australian News

Squiz the Rest

Cleo Smith’s abductor sentenced

Terence Kelly – the Carnarvon man who pleaded guilty to abducting 4yo Cleo Smith in Western Oz’s Pilbara region and held her captive for 18 days in 2021 – was sentenced to 13 years and 6 months in jail by a Perth court yesterday. The hearing revealed more details about the case that made headlines worldwide. Kelly was high on methamphetamine and looking for items to steal when he impulsively abducted Cleo after spotting her in her family’s tent at the Quobba Blowholes campsite. Chief Judge Julie Wager said Cleo spent most of her days alone in Kelly’s home and that she cried for her family. Psychiatrists found Kelly has a severe personality disorder stemming from a traumatic childhood and that he longed for a family of his own. Wagner said the 37yo was considered a high risk for reoffending and will serve at least 11 years behind bars until he is eligible for parole.

Australian News Crime

Trumpeting his innocence

It’s been a big 24 hours for former US president Donald Trump following his historic indictment in a New York court yesterday. To quickly recap, the 76yo’s up on 34 felony charges related to falsifying business records as part of hush money payments made to 2 women and a man in 2016. He pleaded not guilty to the charges and later travelled home to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, where he addressed a crowd of supporters. He repeated claims that have been widely debunked and publicly denied the latest charges, saying “the only crime that I have committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it”. And in a nod to the maxim that ‘all publicity is good publicity’, his 2024 presidential election campaign team has already jumped into action, selling merchandise related to the court proceedings. A white t-shirt selling for $53 featuring a fake mugshot of Trump with the words ‘NOT GUILTY’ underneath – get ‘em while they’re hot…

Crime World News

Playing the economic waiting game

Strong demand and increasing rental prices will continue in the Aussie property market throughout 2023, according to real estate data company PropTrack. The national median rent has increased by 2% to $500 a week in the first quarter of the year, taking prices up 11% in the past 12 months. Analysts say that’s happening particularly in capital cities, “where rent increases have not yet eased since accelerating in early 2022”. Feeding some of the price pressure in the rental market are rising interest rates, and Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe spoke about them yesterday, warning future rises might be needed to make sure inflation is on the way down. He also dismissed speculation about cutting rates, saying “we’ve got the highest inflation rate in 30 years, the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and still 2 years before we get inflation back to the top of the target range”.

Australian News Economy

Rugging up for the long weekend

Soz to those with outdoor plans but the weather bureau is forecasting a wintery and wet long weekend across most of the country. The Bureau of Meteorology says temperatures will be “well below average” from tomorrow as a cold front makes its way across the Pilbara to eastern Oz. Victoria, Tassie and southern parts of NSW and South Oz are set to bear the brunt of it, with snow expected at high altitudes and showers and thunderstorms stretching all the way up the east coast up to Queensland. There are some outliers – Sydneysiders will enjoy some warm weather tomorrow and Saturday before the mercury drops, and Western Oz could escape the weather drama altogether with mild conditions forecast. At least it makes for perfect HXB weather… And for those travelling over the weekend, here’s some advice for the best and worst times to leave on your road trip and to get to the airport in Sydney and Melbs. You’re welcome.

Australian News Weather

Regards from the King and Queen

Buckingham Palace has released the official invitation for King Charles’ coronation next month, and his wife Camilla has received a title change… The ornate invitation – printed on recycled paper, of course – is from “King Charles III and Queen Camilla” – marking an upgrade from ‘Queen Consort’, which received Queen Elizabeth’s blessing last year. A reduced guestlist of about 2,000 has been invited to the ceremony at Westminster Abbey on 6 May, including most of the royal family. That includes his brother Prince Andrew, and son Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, but the US-based couple hasn’t confirmed if they’ll attend. US President Joe Biden turned down his invite – he’ll be rep’d by First Lady Jill Biden, who will lead the American delegation. As for the Aussies, PM Anthony Albanese and Governor-General David Hurley will accompany some “outstanding citizens” who haven’t yet been named. Our hand is up, in case anyone’s asking… It’s shaping up to be quite the party.

World News

Apropos of nothing

One of the top questions we’re asked is about our sleep regime, given the late finishes and crazy early starts. Long story short, we sleep well on Friday night… We’re equally fascinated with other people’s sleep habits, so this article documenting how it goes down in 9 bedrooms had our attention.

If you’re looking for a bit of a thriller this extra long weekend, we’re enjoying The Lazarus Heist podcast by the BBC World Service. Think hackers, cyber attacks, North Korea and billions of dollars being stolen. Great for those weekend walks.

There’s only one thing on our mind, and that’s tomorrow’s fish pie. When the filling is creamy/herby, and the crust is actually smashed potato, you better believe it’s got our name all over it.

Friday Lites

Squiz the Day

ABS Data Release – International Trade in Goods and Services, February

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Golf – Masters Tournament begins – Augusta, Georgia (on until 9 April)

Start of Sydney Royal Easter Show (until 17 April)

Tartan Day

Birthdays for Paul Rudd (1970) and Zach Braff (1975)

Anniversary of:
• the establishment of Cape Colony, the first European settlement in South Africa (1652)
• the arrest of Oscar Wilde for gross indecency (1895)
• Americans Robert Peary and Matthew Henson and 4 Inuit men becoming the first people to reach the North Pole. Supposedly… (1909)
• the US declaring war on Germany, entering WWI (1917)
• ABBA winning Eurovision with Waterloo, launching their international career (1974)
• the start of the Bosnian War (1992)
• the beginning of the Rwandan genocide after the aircraft carrying President Juvénal Habyarimana is shot down (1994)

Squiz the Day

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