/ 09 February 2022

Allies not on the same Ukraine page

Image source: Getty
Image source: Getty

A new day, a new twist in the Ukraine crisis… Yesterday, US President Joe Biden upped the pressure on Russia, vowing to stop the opening of a $11 billion Russian gas pipeline to Germany if Russia invades Ukraine. Biden is hosting Angela Merkel’s replacement Olaf Scholz at the White House, and they’re tackling some difficult issues to kickstart their relationship. Scholz said Germany was “absolutely united” with the US on the Ukraine crisis, but declined to commit to halting the gas project. In short, Germany really really really needs Russia’s gas… Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron has been chatting it up with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, and he reckons they’re making some headway in calming the farm. And despite Russia’s assurances it isn’t planning on invading Ukraine, it is continuing to build up its military presence along Ukraine’s border, reports say.

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