/ 15 February 2022

Western leaders ramp up Ukraine talks

Image source: Getty
Image source: Getty

In a last-ditch effort to stop a potential Russian invasion, Ukraine has called for a meeting with Russia and other nations in the region within the next 24 hours – a request Russia has declined. Ukraine says it wants “transparency” about Russia’s plans, but President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly ignored formal requests to explain the build-up of more than 100,000 troops on the border with Ukraine. Instead, Russia continues to say it has no plans to invade. American officials say Russia is planning to launch an attack as soon as tomorrow, but Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky disagrees and slammed the approach for causing “panic”. High-level talks have so far failed to defuse tensions, but Western leaders are still hopeful for a breakthrough. The latest to tread the diplomatic path to Russia was German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and UK PM Boris Johnson is expected to head that way this week. #SquizShortcut

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